At Yeomans Citroën in Fareham, you will find a wide range of services – whether you’re looking for a new or used Citroën or you’re looking for aftersales support, we’ve got you covered. Visit us to browse our extensive stock, enjoy a test drive in your preferred model, or simply speak to one of our car experts who will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Because we are open seven days a week, our experienced and knowledgeable team are always on hand to help, no matter what day is most convenient for you to pop in. You’re welcome to call the sales team on 01329 556607 to enquire about any of our stock and arrange a test drive, or speak directly to our service and parts teams to discuss any of your workshop needs.
Located on Wickham Road in Fareham, we’re well positioned for customers from both Southampton, Portsmouth and even further afield thanks to easy access from the M27 – with plenty of on-site parking, too.
Enter your postcode in the map box below to find directions to Fareham Citroën.