YEOMANS LIMITED – Gender Pay Gap Report, 2022 - 2023

Legislation requires us to publish details annually of the gender pay gap in the company. The snapshot date at which our figures are taken is 5th April 2023 and the results are set out below.

Women's hourly rate is

38.7% LOWER (mean) 23.8% LOWER (median)

Pay quartiles

How many men and women are in each quarter of Yeomans’ payroll.

Top quartile

92.9% MEN 7.1%WOMEN

Upper middle quartile

88.5% MEN 11.5% WOMEN

Lower middle quartile

69.8% MEN 30.2% WOMEN

Lower quartile

74.2% MEN 25.8% WOMEN

Women's bonus pay is

72.1% LOWER (mean); 72.7% LOWER (median)

Who received bonus pay ?

89.9% OF MEN; 85.3% OF WOMEN

Yeomans pays women and men equally when employed in the same job, thereby exercising equal pay for both genders. A gender pay gap can exist even when women and men receive equal pay for the same job. In an organisation where women are underrepresented in the higher paid roles a gender pay gap will exist. For example, this can occur in organisations involved in heavy engineering or construction work and may be the result of societal attitudes to gender which affect the availability of the pool of women and men with certain skills. A change in such attitudes can be brought about by the influence of the education system and policy decisions by employers to facilitate positive conditions for the employment of women in roles previously considered unfavourable by women. Government can implement legislation that encourages such changes to come about, but patience will need to be exercised whilst the ship changes course.

At Yeomans, bonus pay includes commissions and profit shares, these elements forming a significant component of pay for sales executives and management. When appropriate, motor technicians are paid productivity bonuses in addition to basic pay. The retail motor trade is underrepresented by women in sales, management and technical roles and our gender pay gap report reflects the fact that the majority of women employed by the company are in the administration function. These roles are lower paid than those on the operational side of the retail motor trade.

The directors and management would welcome the opportunity to be able to recruit from a pool of experienced individuals that includes more women when seeking to employ general managers, sales managers, service & parts department managers and sales executives, not to mention motor trade technicians. Most recruitment undertaken by Yeomans is conducted through agencies specialising in motor industry personnel and a joint effort will need to be made by both employers and recruitment organisations in order to attract more women into the retail motor trade.